le 20/02/2024

The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) – Sanitary and phytosanitary capacity in developing countries

The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) funds projects that improve sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) capacity in developing countries to facilitate safe trade.

The STDF supports the implementation of the standards, guidelines and recommendations of the international standard-setting bodies under the WTO SPS Agreement: Codex Alimentarius for food safety, the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) for plant health, and the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) for animal health.

Two grants ara available:

1) Project Preparation Grants (PPG)

Funds up to US$50,000 are available for PPGs to prepare technically sound, innovative and sustainable projects. These grants can involve the application of SPS-related capacity evaluation tools, preparation of feasibility studies and/or formulation of project proposals to address specific SPS capacity building needs linked to trade.

2) Project Grants (PG)

Funds up to US$1,000,000 are available for PGs that improve food safety, animal and plant health capacity to comply with international sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements. These grants are expected to help address SPS challenges or issues that affect trade to international markets.


The following organizations are eligible to apply for STDF funding:

  • Public sector entities (including regional or international bodies) with responsibility for SPS measures or policy, either in their own right or in cooperation with the private sector. The STDF encourages implementation of projects and activities through public private partnerships.
  • Private sector entities, either in their own right or in cooperation with the public sector. Examples of private sector entities include legally registered farmers’ organizations, trade and industry associations, etc.
  • Non-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with expertise in the SPS area and with an organization in the relevant beneficiary country or countries, in co-operation with the public and/or private sector.
  • STDF partners.




Deadlines in 2024:

  • 1 March for consideration in June
  • 9 August for consideration in November

Funding : up to US$1,000,000

Further information

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