Design the guidelines of the Call for Proposals dedicated to supporting teachers in crisis contexts (CfP2)

Expertise France invites experienced professionals to contribute to a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enhancing education in crisis contexts across Sub-Saharan Africa. We are seeking a highly skilled Education in Emergency Expert to lead the development of our Call for Proposal 2 (CfP 2) guidelines, as part of the Regional Facility for Teachers in Africa (RFTA). This vital role includes conducting a comprehensive preliminary survey/assessment to identify key themes, priority areas, and target groups, alongside formulating a strategic plan for targeted outreach and engagement. This assignment will lay the groundwork for subsequent actions by a Grant Management Expert and is crucial for the success of projects aiming to improve educational outcomes in challenging environments.

Further details, including activities to be performed, expected deliverables, desired qualifications, and how to apply, are provided in the attached Terms of Reference.

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