Consultancy for installation, maintenance and user’s training for HF and VHF radio systems on WCS sites and reserves in Africa – Umbrella agreements.

Request for Proposal: 

Consultancy for installation, maintenance and user’s training for HF and VHF radio systems on WCS sites and reserves in Africa – Umbrella agreements. 

Summary page for publication: 

1. About WCS 

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is an American nonprofit organization founded in 1895. Its mission is to preserve wildlife by understanding critical issues, developing science-based solutions, and taking conservation actions that benefit nature and humanity. With more than a century of experience, long-term commitments in dozens of landscapes, a presence in more than 60 countries and experience in creating more than 150 protected areas around the world, WCS has accumulated the biological knowledge, cultural understanding and partnerships necessary to ensure wild places and animal species thrive alongside local communities. In collaboration with local communities and organizations, this knowledge is applied to solve problems in the management of species, habitats and ecosystems, which are essential for improving the quality of life of rural populations whose livelihoods depend on the direct use of natural resources. 

2. Project overview 

Communication is essential within a protected area to guarantee monitoring of activities on the ground and employee safety. 

WCS has installed HF and VHF radio systems, and other communication systems on its sites across more than 12 countries in Africa. Maintenance services are not always available locally and users have varying levels of ability. We are seeking professionally qualified consultancy firms capable of deploying suitable qualified and experienced staff for carrying out preventive and curative maintenance of systems, training of users on basic use and maintenance and supporting the policy of expansion and modernization of our communication systems. 

The selected bidders (vendors) will sign Umbrella agreements with WCS. The activities and requirements below are generic and will be specified before each deployment. 

Each lot consists of ten(10) activities in one (1) country, making a total of 12 lots, as shown in the table below. 


Lot number  Country  Number of Protected Area 
Lot 1  Cameroon  3 
Lot 2  Central African Republic  2 
Lot 3  Chad  1 
Lot 4  DRC  3 
Lot 5  Gabon  2 
Lot 6  Madagascar  2 
Lot 7  Mozambique  1 
Lot 8  Nigeria  2 
Lot 9  Republic of Congo  3 
Lot 10  Rwanda  1 
Lot 11  Tanzania  5 
Lot 12  Uganda  2 



1- Carry out assessments of communication coverage needs and propose solutions and attached budgets 

2- Proceed with the installation and deployment of new communication systems when applicable 

3- Carry out the assessment of existing communication systems and proceed with the repairs and corrections necessary for their operationalization, including reprogramming. 

4-a- Provide training in radio communication for: End-users training 

4-b- Provide training in radio communication for: first line maintainer training 

5- Develop and monitor preventive maintenance plans to ensure the longevity of equipment. 

6- Carry out remote troubleshooting with maintenance officers when possible. 

7- Participate in the writing and updating of policies for the expansion and modernization of WCS communication systems 

8- Monitor technology for WCS and recommend new models and systems better suited to wildlife conservation work 

9- Provide commonly used spare parts. 

3. Objective of the assignment  

The awarded vendor(s) will sign a 3-years (with possibility of extension) Umbrella agreement with WCS. 

4. Timeframe 

  • Last day to submit questions: June 20, 2024 
  • Proposals due: June 30, 2024 
  • Notice of Award: July 30, 2024 (estimated) 

Notice of Award Last day to submit questions ________________ June 18, 2024  

Proposals due ________________ June 30, 2024 

Interviews of proposers _________________ TBC 

Notice of Award _________________ July 30, 2024 

5. Application procedure 

Interested proposers should obtain the proposal package at, 


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