Call for consultancy for a study on « The introduction of a basic income to combat nutrition insecurity during the first 1,000 days »

Call for consultancy for a study on « The introduction of a basic income to combat nutrition insecurity during the first 1,000 days »


Publication date : 21/10/2024

Deadline for submission of offers : 08/11/2024 at 23:59 CEST (Paris)

Entity : ACF France

Subject : « The introduction of a basic income to combat nutrition insecurity during the first 1,000 days »

ACF Publication Reference : [FR-PA-DEP-202412]

Brief description : 


A child’s first 1,000 days are a key period in the fight against nutrition insecurity. Nutritional deficiencies during this period threaten the survival of both mother and child. Social protection systems are essential to combat poverty and inequality at every stage of life. In this context, ACF wants to gather datas and illustrations about basic income policies or programs and their impact on nutrition security during these first 1000 days.

This study aims to review the scientific literature on the issues surrounding a basic income and the work of other civil society organisations on the subject, in order to come up with a definition of a basic income and the main ways in which it could be implemented.


–> The different steps are presented in details in the Terms of Reference attached.


How to apply for this call for consultancy :

The offer must be submitted by Friday, 8 November 2024 at 23:59 CEST (Paris) and must be sent by email to Flore Ganon and Léa Cros

The offer must include the following information :

  • Names and professional status of the person or organisation responding to the call for tenders.
  • A detailed CV mentioning experience in a similar and/or relevant field.
  • At least two references from consultancy work for possible contact by our organisation.
  • A technical proposal including the following elements: work schedule, data collection methodology, etc.
  • A financial proposal indicating the daily rate for the consultant(s), the number of working days invoiced, other planned costs and the total cost (including taxes) of the proposal.

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