Call for Consultants: Preliminary Study on Gender Equality & Women’s Entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – CONSULTANCY – Conducting a preliminary socio-behavioral study within the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Empow’Her is seeking a consultant, team of consultants, or a firm specialized in socio-behavioral methodology to support them in conducting a preliminary study aimed at assessing the current state of gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a particular focus on women’s entrepreneurship.

In the Terms Of Reference below, you will find an overview of Empow’Her and the study, as well as expectations regarding deliverables, methodology, and a provisional schedule for the study. If you are interested, please submit your technical and financial offers to the following addresses before 03/05/2024, by naming the email “[Towards Equality] Consultancy_Name of the consultant” :

●  Chiara Febbraro, project officer :

● Jessica Michel, program manager :


Consultants are asked to provide their application including the methodological elements proposed above and technical details regarding the chosen methodology (milestones, stakeholders, meetings and presentations, methodology and tools for data collection/processing, deliverables and coordination with Empow’Her). Consultants will also provide the breakdown of consultant(s) working days, their respective roles, and specify their collaboration methods for the conduction of the study, if applicable.


About Empow’Her 

Empow’Her is an international feminist organization founded in 2013 dedicated to the social and economic empowerment of women. Since its beginning, it has rallied around a common vision: that of a feminist and inclusive entrepreneurship, a source of empowerment for women and a catalyst for societal transformation. Empow’Her operates in 30 countries across Europe and Africa from its headquarters in Paris and its three offices in West Africa (Abidjan, Ouagadougou, and Niamey) with the commitment of its 80 staff members and the support of its 25 technical and financial partners.

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