CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Consultation to assess the situation of IDPs living in Borno Maiduguri and the state of their acces to health care

PROJECT TITLE: Strengthening emergency response and mitigating health risks by deploying mobile health team in flood-affected areas of Maiduguri MMC and Jere, Borno State, Nigeria

COUNTRY: Nigeria



Médecins du Monde France (MdM-F) is a leading international humanitarian organization active in the health sector since 1981. Its primary role is ensuring access to basic healthcare, sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, Genser-based violence (GBV) and psychosocial support and carrying out advocacy work for disadvantaged groups and people affected by crises and conflicts, including migrants and internally displaced persons (IDPs).

MdM-F has been active in Nigeria since August 2016 providing access to primary healthcare (PHC), nutrition, GBV and mental health and psychosocial services (MHPSS). MdM-F responds to the emergency situation caused by several factors, including the violent armed conflict in the North-eastern part of Nigeria, but also natural disasters that can hit the populations, such as floods. MdM-F has also been actively involved in the response to outbreaks, such as cholera seasonal outbreak, through direct implementation of activities in camp, or support to existing facilities for the implementation of medical activities.  MdM-F has been supporting health facilities, which are offering an integrated and comprehensive PHC approach including SRH, Nutrition, GBV, and MHPSS services to the most vulnerable populations, especially women and children, with specialized pservices complemented by other humanitarian actors.

MdM is currently implementing a project aiming at addressing health needs through the provision of free access to health services to the flood affected populations in Maiduguri MMC and Jere, Borno State, North-East Nigeria. In parallel, MdM is looking for a consultant to carry out a study to assess the access to health services (and basic services in general) for IDPs living in Maiduguri.


Brief presentation of the project

The general objective of this project is to contribute to improved access to healthcare services to flood-affected populations in Maiduguri, MMC, Borno State, Nigeria.

The specific objective and expected results are:

  • Specific objective 1 : Affected populations in Maiduguri have access to basic health care through mobile services and strong referrals to MoH PHC clinics, especially those supported by MdM, and secondary facilities.;
  • Result 1 : Deployment of an Emergency Mobile Team
  • R2 : A needs assessment on Access to Health and other Services as well as Population living situation among flood affected populations


2_Objectives of the consultancy

The general objective of the consultancy is to assess the access to health services for IDPs living in Maiduguri.

With specific attention on:

  • People affected by flood
  • The living situations (official camps and others) and pathways (long-term stays, returnees)
  • An assessment of their current and foreseeable living conditions in the political situation (closing of camps, official announcements)
  • Focus on their security

The specific objectives are:

  • Assess access to health services in areas of displacement at the different phases of the displacement
  • Analyse how access to health is influenced by current policies
  • Identify limitations and barriers, but also levers and facilitators to access to health services for IDPs and host communities
  • Recommendations for a future project integrating the dimension of the sustainability of actions
  • Recommendations for the humanitarian community and potential advocacy pathways to address the identified barriers including in advocacy


This assessment should result in:

  • An analysis of the way people understand the current policies and make decisions regarding living place/ access to basic services
  • Recommendations for a future project integrating the dimension of the sustainability of actions.

The maximum total budget available for this consultancy is set at EUR 20,000 including VAT.




The consultant is expected to propose a detailed methodology which should include both qualitative and quantitative data collection methodology to support the analysis. Despite focusing on the IDP’s population, the consultant is expected to include also the host community to provide perspective is the analysis.


The consultant is expected to refer to the following documents (non-exhaustive list):

  • State Action Plans (SAP) for Durable Solutions to Internal Displacement (2025-2027), Borno State.
  • IOM Nigeria Contribution to Displaced Persons and Affected Communities in Nigeria May 2023.
  • IASC Policy on Protection of Internally Displaced Persons.


4_Indicative timetable and deliverables


The consultancy is expected to start beginning of January and deliverables are expected by end of February.

  • Deadline for expressions of interest: 27th of December 2024
  • Deadline for full proposal: 20th of January 2025
  • Preparation phase: 27th of Jan – 9th of February 2025
  • Estimated duration of the field phase: 11th of February – 11th of March
  • Interim report within two weeks after the end of the field phase
  • Final report expected and final restitution: 1 week of rewriting following the comments of the steering committee

This schedule is indicative and the consultant is expected to provide a detailed workplan.

All documents and exchanges shall be in English language.


5_Profile sought

  • Strong experience in conducting results-based evaluations of public health/community health projects / sociology of displacement
  • Experience on the topic of strengthening the health system;
  • Excellent writing skills;
  • Perfect command of english
  • Previous similar experience with NGOs;
  • Knowledge of the context of Borno is a plus;
  • Fluency in Hausa is a plus


6_Documents to be submitted

Providers wishing to express their interest are invited to provide the following 2 elements:

  • curriculum vitae (CV) of up to 3 pages of the members of the proposed team, specifying where applicable the consulting firm to which each member of the team is attached.
  • A letter of interest of maximum three (3) pages indicating: experience of similar missions, at least two (2) references concerning the execution of similar contracts, dates of availability to carry out the consultancy, etc.

The expression of interest will be considered complete only if it includes these 2 elements. It must be sent to the email address : < > specifying in the subject of the email  » No expression of interest submitted through any other channel will be considered .

Up to four candidates will be pre-selected and invited to submit a full proposal in response to the terms of reference sent to them.


The information collected as part of this call for expressions of interest is subject to computer processing intended to create and archive a professional file for each application received and in the event of an audit of our internal procedures. The recipients of the data collected are: the Health Advocacy Department of MdM-F. In accordance with current French and European legislation, you have a right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting < > or « Médecins du Monde France, Direction Santé Plaidoyer, 84 avenue du Président Wilson 93210 Saint-Denis ». You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.

To be eligible to apply, bidders must be able to provide proof, at the discretion of MdM-F, that they meet the required legal, technical and financial conditions and that they have the necessary capacity and sufficient resources to carry out the mission.

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