CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Mid-term evaluation/Provision of essential Health Care and Protection Services to the conflict-affected population in Syria
Médecins du Monde is an international network (MdM Network) which consists of 17 civil society organisations (MdM Chapters) united by a shared vision: a world where health is recognised as a fundamental right. We provide care, bear witness, and advocate for social change, also fighting injustice. We work collaboratively to ensure universal access to healthcare.
To respond to the identified needs in Syria, the MdM Network proposed a joint response through the implementation of a GFFO funded project, titled “Provision of essential Health Care and Protection Services to the conflict-affected population in Syria”.
The intervention aims to reduce morbidity and mortality of conflict-affected populations in conflict affected areas in in Al Hasakeh, Raqqa, Aleppo and Idleb by:
- Providing quality and inclusive Primary Health Care (PHC) including Sexual and Reproductive Health Care (SRHC) services, nutrition, Mental Health and psychosocial Support (MHPSS) as well as referrals to specialized services to conflict-affected population.
- Strengthening the capacities of the medical and non-medical personnel to provide quality services in the Primary Health Care Centres.
- Improving the capacities of target communities and the availability of community-based health services within the catchment areas of 13 PHCCs.
- Ensuring prevention, identification, referral and case management of epidemic diseases in primary level health care facilities, as well as at community level.
The intervention targets the general population and IDPs in the selected health facilities, and through community outreach, focusing on vulnerable groups including children under 5 years, women in general, people living with chronic conditions, elderly and people affected psychologically by the conflict.
The 25-month project will run until the end of April 2025.
In the context of this project, MdM is looking for consultant(s) to carry out a mid-term evaluation, the general objective of which is to identify strengths and shortcomings, collaboration and coordination between the various actors and identify corrective measure to be taken before the end of the project if necessary.
It is expected from the evaluation to identify areas for improvement, modification, adjustments and include good practice identified during the implementation of the project, lessons learnt that will be used for informed decision making to improve and adapt the program interventions in the further programming while responding to the evolving needs and situations of MdM intervention areas.
The evaluation will aim to use an explanatory sequential model to answer the evaluation questions. This implies the use of several approaches, mainly a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods for data collection in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the project intervention. Data collection will include fieldwork in part of the project areas (i.e. Al Hasakeh, Raqqa, Aleppo and Idleb).
The total budget available for this mission should not exceed 20,000.00 Euros (including VAT), inclusive of all costs including contingency costs (maximum 5%), the remuneration of the evaluator(s) (fees and per diem) and any other costs connected to the performance of the evaluation.
Qualifications and experience requested:
- Track record of conducting evaluation – with at least 3 years’ experience in conducting evaluations or at least conducted 3 evaluations, preferably in health projects.
- Experience of Syria context.
- Relevant technical profiles of the evaluator(s) University degree.
- In the case of an evaluation team, propose a gender-balanced team to ensure access for women and girl beneficiaries.
- Fluent in English, both spoken and written with Arabic language an asset.
- Experience in participatory/qualitative information collection methodologies.
- Experience within evaluations of complex strategies or projects in international development cooperation, especially in health projects.
- Proven track record in conducting data collection and evaluation studies, especially in health projects an asset.
- Demonstrated experience in cultural sensitivity.
- Excellent writing skills.
- Not have been linked to design, management, or execution of the intervention to be evaluated.
- Ability to be mobilized and access project sites with limited logistical and administrative (mandatory support documents for authorities) support of MdM.
The consultant(s) have to be able to access project locations in different hubs of Syria such as Northwest and Northeast Syria, , as on-site visits will have to be conducted.
- Full understanding and respect of humanitarian principles, MdM network CoC, and PSEA policies.
- Professional experience within an NGO, with better understanding of the constraints in the field and credibility with teams, knowledge of MdM a plus.
- Experience of working in Syria.
Deadline for an expression of interest: | 13/12/2024 at 12 noon (Paris time) |
Deadline for filing a complete proposal: | 10/01/2025 at 12 noon (Paris time) |
Preferred mission launch date: | 22/01/2025 |
Preferred date for the “field” phase start: | 14/02/2025 |
Preferred final report (final version) delivery date (before dissemination meetings by the consultant(s)) | 16/04/2025 |
The evaluation must be finalised (including dissemination) by 29 April 2025 at the latest.
Service providers wishing to express their interest are invited to submit the following 2 elements:
- Up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV) of a maximum of 3 pages for each member of the proposed team and stating as applicable the consultancy firm to which each team member belongs.
- A letter of interest of a maximum of three (3) pages, indicating: experience of comparable missions, at least three (3) credentials concerning the performance of comparable contracts, dates of availability for the consultancy process, etc.
The expression of interest must be sent via email to: < > with the subject line “Mid-term evaluation/Provision of essential Health Care and Protection Services to the conflict-affected population in Syria”. Expressions of interest submitted in any other manner will not be taken into consideration.
The deadline for submitting an expression of interest is 13/12/2024 at 12:00 noon (Paris/CET).
A maximum of six (6) candidates will be shortlisted and invited to submit a complete technical and budget proposal in response to the terms of reference to be provided to them.
All information obtained in the context of this expression of interest is the subject of IT processing aimed at creating and archiving a professional file for each application received and for the purpose of any potential audit of our internal procedures. The data collected is sent to: Direction Santé Plaidoyer de MdM. In accordance with the French and EU legislation in force, you have the right to access and amend any information relating to you and you can exercise this right by emailing < > or writing to Médecins du Monde, Direction Santé Plaidoyer, 84 avenue du Président Wilson 93210 Saint-Denis. You may also object to the processing of your data on legitimate grounds.
In order to be authorised to apply, bidders must be able to establish, at the discretion of MdM, that they meet the legal, technical and financial conditions applicable and that they have the necessary capacity and sufficient resources to carry out the mission.
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