Consultance pour évaluation finale du projet d’actions anticipées inclusives- Madagascar, Philippines, Haïti // Consultancy for final evaluation of inclusive anticipatory action project in Madagascar, Philippines, Haïti

Inclusive Anticipatory Action project

The inclusive Anticipatory Action (I2A) project seeks to enhance positive impact for vulnerable populations most at risk of disaster through addressing gaps and scaling up good practice for inclusive, people-centred anticipatory action approaches. Implemented in various municipalities of the Philippines, Madagascar, and Haiti, the project works to develop and test inclusive and locally led early action protocols. The project also aims at building capacities of various stakeholders and strengthening local coordination mechanisms.

Objective of evaluation

The objective of this final project evaluation is to assess project quality and achievements and identify key areas and factors for success to reflect and guide the way forward for future interventions on Anticipatory Action.

  1. Evaluate the performance of the project: to which extent the project’s outcomes have been achieved – considering the context, the proposal and the monitoring and evaluation framework of the project – in an efficient manner
  2. Evaluate to what extent the project has addressed the identified needs and was adapted to the different contexts and proposed mechanisms to sustain the positive effect beyond the project duration
  3. Provide strategic and operational recommendations for a potential future phase of the project, reflecting the voices, opinions and experiences of the beneficiaries and stakeholders involved in this project

Requested qualifications:

  • Academic background in Disability (inclusive) Disaster Risk Reduction and/or Climate Change Adaptation, Social Sciences or developmental studies with a minimum of a Master’s Degree in the relevant field or Bachelor degree with at least 10 years of experience in the relevant field.
  • Experience in project evaluation and related methodologies
  • Strong analytical and report writing skills.
  • Fluency in English and in French.
  • Experience in the countries of implementation context
  • Experience in project evaluation especially on Anticipatory Action/ DRR/ CCA funded projects.
  • Experience working with persons with disabilities in general is an asset.

Deadline : 6/12/2024 8:00AM UTC-4

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