Consultancy for the development of a facilitation kit for birth & parenthood preparation workshops in Sierra Leone

Solthis (Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives in Health) is an international health NGO that contributes to the strengthening of health systems to improve access to quality care in countries with limited resources and/or with vulnerable populations. Solthis is registered and has been operating in Sierra Leone since 2011. Our teams have provided comprehensive technical support at both health facility, national, and community levels to improve the quality of HIV and TB care, and SRHR services.

In Sierra Leone, Solthis is launching in 2025 the SHAPE (Sexual and reproductive Health Access and Promotion of Empowerment) project in partnership with Community Action for the Welfare of Children (CAWeC SL), a local NGO. The project is funded by French Development Agency (AFD). Solthis is responsible for the overall coordination of activities and will operate capacity-building for health professionals and improve the quality of care offered in public health centers while the local partner will roll out all community interventions.

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