Consultant for External Project Evaluation

Founded in 1994, La Chaîne de l’Espoir (CDE) is an international NGO headquartered in Paris, France. Its mission is to strengthen healthcare systems and provide to everyone, especially children, equal chances and opportunities of survival and development.

CDE is currently active in thirty (30) countries, and it uses a global approach, mainly focusing on children, mothers, and disadvantaged communities. Find our activities briefly elaborated as follows:

  • Prevention and screening from an early age, mainly through school health programs.
  • Care and surgery to meet the most urgent needs of children and their mothers.
  • Training and transfer of skills to local teams (capacity building) thanks to our international network of experts in all areas of surgery.
  • Construction and equipment of hospital facilities adapted to local needs.

CDE Jordan is currently implementing the project “Improving Congenital Orthopedic Anomalies detection and management in Jordan” with the aim of improving access to holistic care for vulnerable children and young adults with or at risk of disability due to congenital orthopedic anomalies.

Duration: September 2022 – August 2025 (36 months)

Donor: Agence Française de Development (AFD)

Location: Amman, Irbed, Zarqa and Mafraq

Objectives of the Evaluation

The primary objectives of this evaluation are:

  • To assess the project’s relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability, including at the level of communities affected
  • To evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the extent to which project objectives and outcomes have been achieved.
  • To identify lessons learned, best practices, and potential unanswered questions for future programming.
  • To provide actionable recommendations for stakeholders.

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