Final evaluation of the One Planet Fellowship Programme – Agropolis Fondation

Agropolis Fondation is looking for an evaluator or a team of evaluators to carry out the final evaluation of the One Planet Fellowship program (One Planet).

One Planet is a 5-year program, funded  by the European Commission (DESIRA), the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Bill and Melinda Gates, BNP Foundation and CDRI. The program aims to create a dynamic, connected and intergenerational network of African and European scientists equipped to conduct research on agriculture and climate change in Africa. It is designed to build the capacity of high-potential researchers focusing on agriculture and climate change adaptation and mitigation.

The program is co-implemented by African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) and Agropolis Fondation. It runs until October 2024. The evaluation only applies to  the part implemented by Agropolis Fondation (Funded by DG Intpa and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation – 3 million).

– The evaluation must be carried out between May and August 2024.

– The budget should be around 35,000 euros. The deadline for applications is 28/04/2024.

– The assessment is to be carried out between May and August 2024.

– The budget should be around 35,000 euros.

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