Humanitarian Access and Security (HAS) Consultancy on need basis – Development of a pool of consultants

The objective of this call for tenders is to establish a contract for Humanitarian Access and Security (HAS) Consultancy on need basis, by developping a pool of HAS experts within a framework contract to answer specific needs identified by HI in its area of intervention.

See the « Context » and « Description of the Expected Service » sections of the Terms of Reference (in Appendix 1) for further details.


Those interested in submitting an offer should check the following link (here : for the full procedure and then express their interest by e-mail:

(The subject of the email should read: « Company name » / Response to the Call for Tenders HAS 03_092)


  • To the following address:
  • Prior to the deadline mentioned above: 18/04/2025
  • The following documents:


  • Technical and financial offer (see details in TORs ‘Administrative & Technical annexes’)
  • This application form and the ToRs dated, initialed, and signed.
  • Completed and signed application form with required documents (certified balance sheets and income statements are mandatory)
  • The following dated, initialed, and signed forms:

    ▫ Acceptance of HI contracting rules

    ▫ Declaration of absence of conflicts of interest

  • K-Bis extract less than 6 months old OR, for foreign applicants, any document proving the professional capacity/legal existence of the company/self-employed status
  • URSSAF certificate of vigilance OR proof that the service provider/consultant is up to date with its tax obligations
  • List of foreign employees requiring work permits
  • The resume & an ID
  • Proof of professional liability insurance and repatriation insurance


Interested parties are invited to submit their best technical and financial offer in compliance with the requirements and presentation template as defined in this paragraph. Any offer not complying with the requirements below will be rejected:


Language: All written documents shall be in English.

Currency unit: All prices shall be expressed in Euros, exclusive of tax. VAT and the total amount inclusive of tax must be specified.

Bid validity: Bids shall remain valid for a period of three (3) calendar months as from the deadline for the receipt of bids.

Amendment or withdrawal of bids: Bidders may modify or withdraw their bids by written notification before the deadline for submission of bids. Tenders may not be modified after this date. Withdrawals will be firm and final and will terminate all participation in the restricted tender procedure.

Costs of preparing bids: None of the costs incurred by bidders in preparing and submitting their bids shall be reimbursable. All these costs shall be borne solely by the bidder.

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