WeWorld is looking for MEAL experts, who will provide advice in the following areas of work in relation to their area of specialization:

  1. Capacity building
  2. Technical assistance in the implementation of MEAL components
  3. Knowledge Management


The MEAL Expert’s support will be carried out partly in the form of a back office and partly with on-site missions in the countries.


The full ITB package will be available by email after the submission of the form at the following link: INTERNATIONAL TENDER FOR “MEAL EXPERTS” ( or in WeWorld website in the tenders dedicated session: INTERNATIONAL TENDER FOR “MEAL EXPERTS” – WeWorld


Deadline for submission of Bids is the June 3rd, 2024, at h:16:00 CEST

The offers received after the deadline will not be evaluated.

For any additional information regarding the procedure, please contact:

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