INVITATION TO TENDER FOR Framework Agreement for Vegetable seeds – Afghanistan

Action against Hunger is supporting the Afghan population since 1979 and directly intervening in Afghanistan since
1995. ACF in Afghanistan provides lifesaving primary health care, with a focus on Integrated Management of Acute
Malnutrition (IMAM) services, which is aimed at the reduction of mortality and morbidity among under-five year’s
old children and pregnant and lactating women (PLW).
With its main office in Kabul used as coordination and operational base, ACF teams are currently implementing
projects in Kabul, Daykundi through its Nili’s office (with a presence since 1999), in Ghor through one office and
one sub-office (with a presence since 2002), in Helmand through one office and two fixed health centers (with a
presence since 2014) and more recently in Badakhshan with the beginning of activities in June 2021 through different

The purpose of this Call for Tenders is to solicit competitive offers for the supply of Vegetable Seeds in the frame
of Action Against Hunger humanitarian operations coordination activities in Afghanistan.
The purpose of this call for tenders is to sign a framework Agreement for the supply of vegetable seeds. The
duration of the agreement is two years.
The Call for Tenders aims at selecting reliable supplier(s).

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