Mid-term External Evaluation of ACF project Multisector emergency response and crisis resilience to the conflict-affected populations in Cabo Delgado

ACF is looking for evaluators for the mid-term external evaluation of the project “Multisector emergency response and crisis resilience to the conflict-affected populations in Cabo Delgado” for which USAID-BHA assistance was granted in the amount of 11,640. 00 USD (potential cost extension of additional 7,125,000 USD) over 27 months, i.e. from June 1, 2022 to August 31, 2024 with potential extension of 24 months.
This evaluation is conducted as an exercise of accountability towards the donor and the beneficiaries.
It is also expected to contribute to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, drawing lessons learned and making operational and strategic recommendations that can be used to improve the implementation of a potential next phase or similar interventions in the future.
The overall purpose of the evaluation is to assess the overall performance of the project and to determine if the intervention has reached its intended outputs and objectives. In particular, it will assess to what extent (and the reasons why) the project’s outputs have ensured the achievement of the outcomes and objective.

The complete terms of reference attached will give you further details on the project as well as the related expectations.

The dead line to submit your proposal is 3rd of July 2024 at 05:00 PM Mozambique time.

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