Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning of Teachers training project In Sudan

Link for application: E-Procurement – Consultations – 24-AOO-S016 (

Expertise France (EF), from the Agence Française de Développement Group, is looking for an M&E company or consortium of individuals to carry out M&E activities within the European Commission funded education programme in Sudan. Due to the active conflict, the activities will be implemented not only in Sudan, but also in Egypt, Chad and Ethiopia. Please use the link to get more information and/or submit your candidature.

EQUIP 2 is a €20M EU-funded programme contributing to the enhancement of basic school-teacher qualification through improved training, whilst supporting the academic research in education. EF is responsible for the teacher training component (component 2 of the programme – €9M, started in June 2021), aiming at improving pre-service and in-service training for Sudanese teachers. Due to the conflict which erupted in Sudan in April 2023, the activities were expanded to include education in emergencies, in and outside of Sudan (Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, and – potentially – Djibouti).

Assignment objectives

Develop, adapt and implement the MEAL system to ensure systematic and effective collection, analysis and use of project M&E information

Expected results

  • An inception report (content to be discussed) including CSOs’ M&E capacity assessment and capacity building plan as needed, and recommendations on how to contribute to existing information system (national, education clusters, etc.).
  • A MEAL plan aligned with Expertise France and donor quality standards, which is adapted to the project
  • An M&E system that ensures the effective application of MEAL plan building on the findings of the inception report, ensuring in particular: Data collection using tools adapted to each type of activity; Responsibilities/distribution of tasks and work plan for the project team; Partners’ capacity building as needed; Compliance with Expertise France standards and contractual requirements.
  • Training and support for (i) the project team for ownership and implementation of the MEAL plan; (ii) implementing partners on M&E tools to facilitate their contribution to the project’s M&E system
  • Reliable and timely project monitoring and data analysis to inform decisions and address accountability needs
  • Reporting and communications materials adapted to promote knowledge sharing.
  • Terms of reference for (i) external evaluation of the project and (ii) consolidation of the project’s lessons learnt

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