NGA-RFP-024-24 – Supply of AGO (diesel) and PMS (petrol).

Dear Sir/Madam:
The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has received a grant from Various Donors for the implementation of the humanitarian aid operation entitled in northeast Nigeria. Part of this operation requires the supply of AGO (diesel) and PMS (petrol). Therefore, the DRC requests you to submit price bid(s) for the supply of the item(s) listed on the attached DRC Bid Form Annex A,
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is seeking highly qualified and experienced contractors, for the supply of AGO (diesel) and PMS (petrol).
About the Services Requested
The required service involves the supply of AGO (diesel) and PMS (petrol) in various location of DRC offices in Abuja, Maiduguri, Adamawa – Mubi and Sokoto.

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