Nutrition Cross sectional study in Kayin State, Myanmar

PUI is implementing and integrated health and nutrition program in the state of Kayin, serving into 60 villages with mobile clinic and community out-reach services. The main purpose of this consultancy is to conduct one baseline study based on SMART methodology, covering the 60 villages in Kayin State, to determine the prevalence of acute malnutrition of children aged 6-59 months, crude mortality and minimum acceptable diet. The Program is now in the inception phase where PUI is organizing the baseline data that will be used to update the log frame targets.

Objectives and Specific Tasks to be undertaken by the expert

Specific objective(s)

  • To estimate the prevalence of acute malnutrition among children aged 6-59 months and PLW of the targeted children.
  • To estimate the prevalence of children minimum acceptable diet (WHO, IYCF standard indicator).
  • To estimate the Crude Mortality rate (number of deaths/10000) with a focus on maternal deaths

Scope of work

Describe the stages and flow of work to be undertaken by expert or consultant

Recruitment of the consultant / team15 days20th Feb – 7th Mar
Presentation of detailed workplan from the consultant5 days7th – 14th Mar
Field mission20 days22nd April – 20th May
Report writing10 days21st May – 2 June  
Feedback from PUI3 days3rd June – 6th June
Final validation7 days9th June – 17th June
Total60 days 


Geographical scope

60 Rural villages of Hlaingbwe, Myawaddy, and Kawkareik township of Kayin State of Myanmar face significant challenges due to their remote location and limited accessibility. Poor infrastructure, security concerns, check points and communication difficulties hinder humanitarian efforts and development initiatives. For robust analysis it is crucial to have provision for enough reserve clusters and to develop tools and methodology to monitor data quality.


Expected Deliverables

Cross sectional study protocol (tools in real time-based data collection platform, Sampling frame, study clusters and reserve clusters, Seasonal calendar etc) outlining Cross sectional study design and indicators, along with a detailed workplan.One week after the signing of the consultancy10
Final Cross sectional study report (in accordance with stated requirements)Within two weeks after preliminary presentation/submission30
Final data collection toolsOne week after the signing of the consultancy10
Preliminary findings/report and submitted to PUI1 week after completion of data30
Presentation of the key findings and recommendations to PUI1 week after feedback on draft report is received from PUI10
The final SMART methodology based Cross sectional study report should be structured as follows: 

  • Executive summary: Analysis of nutrition anthropometric indicators assessed among children 6-59 months and the report will also include analysis of key variables of interest.
  • Introduction:  Geographic description of the Cross-sectional study areas, season, description of the population, and Objectives of Study.
  • Methodology: Full study design, sampling and data quality control and plausibility checks.
  • Result 1: Point GAM and SAM (6-59 months and PLW) estimates according to WHZ and/or oedema and low MUAC with 95% confidence interval. All other non-anthropometric indicators must be reported with 95% confidence intervals.
  • Result 2: Crude mortality rate with 95% confidence interval with 95% confidence intervals
  • Result 3: Children aged 6-23 months who receive a minimum acceptable diet (%)
  • Discussions including the interpretation of the results
  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • Annexes: Maps, tools used, plausibility check, results of the standardisation test (full list provided in standard PUI report format
Training Report – results of standardisation test indicating all enumerators are trained to the necessary standard.Upon completion of the training10



All applicants must meet the minimum requirements described above. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Each application should include the following:

  • Cover letter with the applicant’s current contact information including how the candidate’s previous experience matches the consultancy objectives as well as their interest in the position
  • Financial proposal/detailed budget of the project and technical proposal on how they intend to carry out the assignment. The consultant’s photographic/videographic equipment should be detailed here.
  • CV of consultant and professional references or letter of recommendation
  • Samples of recent similar assignments: online portfolios and links to publish work


Deadline for submission:

Documents must be submitted by email to  ;,

with a CC to ;


Closing date for applications: 20th February 2025

You can find here the ToR.

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