PARTAGE – External Evaluation – « Social transformation through integrated development » implemented by SARD in INDIA

Sum up

PARTAGE is an international solidarity association dedicated to helping underprivileged children. In India, PARTAGE supports educational initiatives through its collaboration with SARD, a non-profit organisation registered as an Indian Society. PARTAGE and SARD have been collaborating since January 2015 to implement a program aimed at strengthening disadvantaged groups in society through the promotion of education, healthcare, right and protection focusing beneficiaries in the Moradabad area of Uttar Pradesh.


PARTAGE, who is strengthening its conducting external evaluations system in cooperation with its partners, is looking forward a consultant team to analyse the results of the project « Social Transformation through Integrated Development » implemented by SARD in India during the phase of the three-year plan (April 2022 to March 2025) and provide recommendations for the development of the next three-year plan (April 2025 to March 2028).


The evaluation team will consist of a minimum of two people, with at least one established in India. You can find more details in the attached ToR. Technical and financial proposals should be sent via email, specifying the subject « EVAL/SARD » before midnight (French time, UTC+02, New Delhi time UTC+5:30) on November 10th at the latest to:
• Elisa Fily, Partage Project Manager for Asia-Caribbean :
• Sudhir Bhatnagar, CEO SARD :

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