Public Tender for the Program “Journalism Trust Initiative Fast Track Program” in Malaysia
Public Tender for the Program “Journalism Trust Initiative Fast Track Program” in Malaysia
Reporters Without Borders – known internationally as Reporters sans frontières (RSF) – is an independent NGO working globally to promote the freedom, pluralism and independence of journalism. Fighting against censorship and providing support to journalists and media outlets persecuted because of their activities, RSF defends an essential pillar of democracy.
With consultative status with the United Nations, UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), RSF is an independent organisation based in Paris. Strong with 6 sections abroad, bureaux in 7 cities, 4 representatives and network of correspondents in 130 countries, RSF has a strong potential to mobilise, alert on issues related to the freedom of the press and the protection of journalists and media professionals.
Intervention context – Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI)
While mistrust is growing towards media and journalists, journalistic content is in direct competition on platforms with any other type of content, it is urgent to find structural solutions to restore trust and create favorable conditions for it to recover.
This is what the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI) proposes with the implementation of an international mechanism rewarding ethical journalistic practices.
Designed as an ISO standard, the JTI, initiated by Reporters without borders (RSF), has been developed by a panel of 130 international experts under the aegis of the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) and published as Workshop Agreement CWA 17493 to reward trustworthy journalism and compliance with professional norms.
The year of 2023 was a fully successful year for the JTI with more than 1 000 media outlets joining the initiative. The coming months will continue to be crucial for the JTI with an ambitious objective to be achieved. In this context, the JTI has launched the “Fast Track Program” to increase the number of media outlets assessing their practices and processes and publishing the results as JTI transparency reports.
Therefore, the JTI team is calling for Service Providers who have expertise in the specific media landscape, in training and capacity building programs for journalists and media. By taking the role of facilitator, the Service Providers of Fast Track Program will play a crucial role that connects the JTI team to local media outlets and helps the JTI team to better understand the challenges and opportunities of the country. Moreover, delegating the service to the Service Provider via such a program allows the local media outlets who are willing to join the JTI to receive the dedicated support and to meet the JTI criteria.
Objectives of the mission
JTI Fast Track Program is a program that seeks to include as much media as possible to the JTI and facilitate the JTI process.
The concrete services that shall be performed by the service provider would be:
- Nominate a list of trustworthy media outlets that can be included in the JTI
- Contact the media outlets that are identified
- Collect the data of the media outlets and pre-fill the questionnaire
- Confirm the questionnaire and publish the transparency report
- Communicate with the JTI team and provide the signal for any informations
The mission will be detailed in the service contract.
Express of need
20 media outlets are expected to publish their transparency reports at the end of the contract.
Duration of the mission
Starting from November 2024 for three months.
Location of the mission
Expected Deliverables
20 quality transparency reports are published before the end of the contract.
20 000 EUR
The application can be wrote in English or French and must include the following informations:
- A brief description of the Service Provider
- A demonstration of experience(s)
- An applicable registration certificate (applied for all the candidates)
- A detailed quotation
- A budget forecast
The quote and budget forecast will count for 40% of the selection criteria, 60% of the selection criteria will focus on the profile of the service provider, its experience and network of news organizations.
The application should not be longer than one page.
Please send the application to and (all must be included) by the 23rd of November 2024 (included) at the latest. Applications will be reviewed and considered on a rolling basis until this call of tender is closed, though early applications are strongly encouraged.
Selection of criteria
The selection of criteria will be based on the experience of the Service Provider in the accompaniment of local media outlets. We strongly recommend the candidates to demonstrate their relationship with the local media and other related stakeholders such as CSOs and local authorities in their application.
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