REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) for Climate Change Consultancy services for INTERSOS Iraq Mission
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1.1. Contracting Authority
INTERSOS is an international non-profit humanitarian aid organization founded in 1992 and present in Iraq since 2003. INTERSOS works to achieve a world of equality, justice, peace, and solidarity, by assisting people to live in dignity and safety, alleviating suffering, and meeting their needs. The mission of INTERSOS is to support people, families, and communities in areas most affected by crises around the world, providing crucial assistance to populations with heightened protection risks in life-threatening situations, situations of famine and suffering resulting from extreme poverty, disasters, and conflict.
1.2. Country background
Since 2003, INTERSOS has been providing humanitarian aid for the people in need in Iraq. INTERSOS has an operational presence in both KRI and Federal Iraq, with its country office based in Erbil and field offices in Sulaymaniyah, Mosul (Ninewa), and Tikrit (Salah al Din).
1.3. Current situation in the sector
INTERSOS Iraq in partnership with GIZ is implementing a Community-Based Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support pilot project contributing to peaceful co-existence and local reintegration in Qayyarah and Sinjar in Ninewa Governorate in Federal Iraq. The project relies on a strength-based, trauma-sensitive, and conflict-sensitive approach that puts the participants at the centre of the intervention, targeting both families with perceived ISIL-affiliation, families who were victimised by ISIL, ethnic and religious minorities, and host communities. Recognizing the interplay of psychological, social, cultural and environmental factors, and striving to create a supportive, inclusive, and enabling environment for all community members, the project pilot will implement activities at individual, group and community level in response to the multiple levels of stressors and promote psychosocial well-being at individual, group and community levels; strengthening individual coping mechanisms, facilitating in-group experience-sharing to strengthen coping skills and foster acceptance and mutual understanding. At the same time, climate change sensitivity will be mainstreamed through MHPSS/protection activities to enhance awareness and strengthen community cooperation around environmental and resource management challenges.
The project implementation context has been highly affected by internal displacement, with ongoing returns and resettlement of families following the closure of IDP camps, some of which are affiliated with former armed groups. At the same time, the area faces challenges with access to basic services – including MHPSS support – and access to livelihood opportunities, while increasing effects of climate change especially in the southern parts of the country further undermines livelihoods, exacerbates protection risks for the most vulnerable and fuels intra-community tensions, and contributes to secondary displacement.
INTERSOS has previously implemented protection interventions in Qayyarah, Sinjar, and adjacent locations, including legal support and protection monitoring. In coordination with GIZ, local stakeholders and other implementing partners operating in the area, the project is implemented from the INTERSOS Mosul field base by field teams based in Qayyarah and Sinjar respectively, consisting of a field manager, field officer, psychologists, PSS workers, lawyers, GBV case workers, and Community-Outreach Volunteers.
2.1. Overall objective
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows:
Support the INTERSOS Iraq Mission in defining, supervising and implementing climate change components and programmatic mainstreaming of climate sensitivity in the context of a GIZ project and INTERSOS broader protection programme.
2.2. Purpose
The purposes of this contract are as follows:
- Specifically, the Climate Change specialist will develop technical tools and provide technical guidance and advice to the GIZ project team and other protection staffs to ensure that climate change interventions are delivered according to internal guidelines and in line with international standards and principles, in order to achieve the mission’s goals effectively, and in accordance with INTERSOS human resources vision and values.
- The Climate Change specialist will predominantly be dedicated to the needs of the GIZ project while rendering general support to the Iraq mission’s protection interventions.
2.3. Results to be achieved by the Contractor
Below is an outline of the key expected deliverables and an indicative timeframe. At least two in-country visits are expected (if the specialist is not based in Iraq) which will be discussed and planned between the consultant and the Mission team:
Support development of specific assessment and MEAL tools tailored to the context and project-specific MEAL framework | November 2024 2 days |
Development of tailored climate change training curricula for GIZ project | November 2024 2 days |
Roll-out of training on climate change and its linkages with protection for GIZ project team and other INTERSOS staff | December 2024 2 days (in-country) |
Development of key messages and materials for climate change awareness raising, based on assessments and consultations | December 2024 2 days (in-country) |
Support field teams in identification of opportunities for integrating climate change awareness/adaptation in PSS and social cohesion activities | On-going 2 days (in-country) |
Technical support to midline review and project adjustment | February 2025 2 days |
Lead design and implementation of a consultative process on the linkages between climate change and protection/MHPSS in the context of Sinjar, building on existing research/findings of other actors | February/March 2025 3 days |
Lead preparation of the report based on consultations and dissemination of findings with project participants and key stakeholders | March 2024 3 days |
Technical support to final evaluation and design of scale-up intervention based on lessons learned | May 4 days (in-country) |
General technical backstopping to Iraq mission/project team on climate change mainstreaming in protection/education programming | On-going / ad hoc based on discussion 3 days |
3.1. General
3.1.1. Description of the assignment
In partnership with GIZ, INTERSOS is implementing a pilot project focusing on deliver community-based climate sensitive MHPSS and social cohesion services in highly vulnerable communities in support of local reintegration. The project is implemented from October 2024 to May 2025. Using a participatory and conflict-sensitive approach, the project will incrementally roll out services at individual, group and community level; including individual counselling, structured PSS sessions at family and group level, psycho-education and dialogue sessions, as well as unstructured PSS and community-led social cohesion initiatives. Climate change sensitivity will be integrated in awareness raising, unstructured PSS activities and social cohesion initiatives.
INTERSOS is soliciting the services of a highly qualified Climate Change expert to support the development of staff training resources, technical tools and materials, and MEAL package, in line with project objectives and national and international standards and guidelines.
3.1.2. Geographical area to be covered
The GIZ-supported climate sensitive MHPSS and social cohesion project is implemented in Sinjar district in Ninewa governorate, located approximately 2 hour drive from Mosul city. The Climate Change specialist will conduct part of the work remotely with two in-country visits, which will include field visits to Mosul and Sinjar. The candidate must be able to obtain a visa for both Federal Iraq and Kurdistan Region of Iraq (visa costs should be included in the offer)
3.1.3. Target groups
The Climate Change specialist will support the INTERSOS Iraq mission in developing and implementing climate sensitive community-based MHPSS interventions targeting highly vulnerable IDPs and returnees in areas affected by high levels of social tension. Target groups include both ethnic and religious minorities, families with perceived ISIL affiliation and families who were victimised by ISIL, as well as host community members. The specialist must demonstrate an understanding of the impacts of climate change on and MHPSS needs of such target groups to be able to develop tailored approaches and materials while also being able to design and deliver trainings to the project team.
3.2. Specific work
- GIZ specific support:
Support Field Manager and project team on all technical climate change related activities within a GIZ project, providing technical backstopping to the project team during implementation
Develop a climate change training curriculum for both staff and community target groups that is geared towards fostering social cohesion within targeted communities, ensuring conflict-sensitive and do-no-harm considerations are embedded in the approach
Conduct climate change training / ToT for project team and other Mission staff based on the developed curriculum
Lead the development of the overall community engagement strategy, including the identification of key messages and relevant (IEC) materials for community awareness raising on climate change related topics, based on assessment and consultations with target communities, taking into consideration different target groups within the localities and differentiated impacts of climate change
Develop to a MEAL package and tools that supports measuring climate change awareness and community capacities for climate change adaptations
Work with the project team to identify opportunities for integrating climate change in the overall intervention, e.g. in unstructured PSS activities, community-led social initiatives and dialogue activities, based on a participatory and inclusive approach
Support the design and implementation of a consultative process (including development of tools) with target communities to identify main climate change issues and adaptation challenges affecting them, with a particular emphasis on impacts on local protection, MHPSS and social cohesion dynamics; supporting the team in analysis of findings, report-writing, and preparation of a dissemination and advocacy event with key stakeholders
Support to the technical design of the midline review and final evaluation of the project in regards to the climate change component, supporting the team in analyzing findings and adjusting project approaches where required
Take lead in developing and documenting lessons learned regarding the integration of climate change in the overall project approach (and protection programming in general) that guide timely learning and adjustments of the project and identify opportunities for replication and scale up.
- General support:
Develop a framework for and support identification of key climate change issues affecting particularly the protection context for both men and women in INTERSOS target locations and communities using assessment tools and research; as well as community practices, assets, and structures that are conducive to the promotion of climate change awareness and adaptation, ensuring that programming builds on these assets
Work with the INTERSOS Programme Coordination team to identify opportunities for integrating climate change in programming (protection and education) and support further design of interventions/activities where applicable
Design key messages for awareness on climate change based on issues identified in the community and ensure teams are sensitized on them and able to deliver these messages in the communities effectively
In coordination with the Protection Coordinator ensure that main climate sensitive concerns are evidence and framed to be brought to relevant stakeholders to advocate for key actions to be taken and general mainstreaming of climate sensitive in protection interventions
Support INTERSOS Iraq mission in networking with climate change focal points of other missions and other organizations to share best practices and resources
3.3. Project management
3.3.1. Responsible body
Reporting to:
Hierarchical: Protection Coordinator
Functional: Protection Coordinator
3.3.2. Management structure
The Climate Change Specialist will work under the technical supervision of the INTERSOS Iraq Protection Coordinator, who will serve as the Specialist’s main focal point during the Contract. Work plans will be discussed with and approved by the Protection Coordinator. Technical resources developed under the contract will be reviewed and validated by the INTERSOS Iraq Protection Coordinator and INTERSOS regional protection referent. Interim and final reports will be approved by the INTERSOS Protection Coordinator and Country Programme Coordinator.
3.3.3. Facilities to be provided by the Contracting Authority and/or other parties
- Accommodation for in-country visits to be provided by the contracting authority
- During in-country visits, office space will be provided by the contracting authority
- During in-country visits, local transport will be provided by the Contracting authority
4.1. Location
- Iraq / Erbil – Operational Base
- Iraq / Ninewa – Sinjar – field locations
4.2. Start date & Period of implementation of tasks
The intended start date is November 2024 and the period of implementation of the contract will be 25 days over a period of 06 months from this date. Please see Articles 19.1 and 19.2 of the Special Conditions for the actual start date and period of implementation.
5.1. Staff
Civil servants and other staff of the public administration of the country, or of international/regional organizations based in the country, shall only be approved to work as experts if well justified. The justification should be submitted with the tender and shall include information on the added value the expert will bring as well as proof that the expert is seconded or on personal leave.
5.1.1. Key experts
Key experts are not required.
5.1.2. Other experts, support staff & backstopping
The costs for any potential backstopping and support staff, as needed, are considered to be included in the tenderer’s financial offer.
5.2. Office accommodation
Office accommodation for each expert working on the contract is to be provided by the Contracting Authority for all in-country visits.
Should the contractor require office accommodation outside of the working country (Iraq) the provision of such accommodation will be the responsibility of the contractor.
5.3. Facilities to be provided by the Contractor
The Contractor shall ensure that experts are adequately supported and equipped. In particular it must ensure that there is sufficient administrative, secretarial and interpreting provision to enable experts to concentrate on their primary responsibilities. It must also transfer funds as necessary to support their work under the contract and to ensure that its employees are paid regularly and in a timely fashion.
The Contractor is expected to cover travel and logistics costs associated with the visits to Iraq including:
- Flight costs,
- Visa(s) (KRI and Federal Iraq) (if required)
- Travel and / or health insurance
- Relocation and / or Subsistence allowance.
5.4. Equipment
No equipment is to be purchased on behalf of the Contracting Authority as part of this service contract or transferred to the Contracting Authority at the end of this contract.
6.1. Reporting requirements
The Contractor will submit the following reports in English:
- Inception Report to be produced no later than 2 weeks from the start of implementation. In the report the Contractor shall describe e.g. initial findings, further details on proposed methodologies/approaches for the assignment, progress in collecting information and compiling resources any difficulties encountered or expected in addition to the work programme and staff travel. The Contractor should proceed with his/her work unless the Contracting Authority sends comments on the inception report.
- Mid-term Progress Report to be produced no later than 2 weeks after the mid-term review. The report shall serve as A) a progress report for the Contractor, addressing achievements of planned milestones / deliverables, as challenges encountered and expected and proposed mitigation measures, as well as B) a mid-term review report, detailing the methodology used for the review, key findings, lessons learned and recommendation for the ongoing project implementation.
- Draft final report shall be submitted no later than one month before the end of the period of implementation of tasks.
- Final report with the same specifications as the draft final report, incorporating any comments received from the parties on the draft report. The deadline for sending the final report is 20 days after receipt of comments on the draft final report. The report shall contain a sufficiently detailed description of the achievements relating to the assignment, as well as findings, lessons learned, and observations on the pilot project implementation including recommendations to support an informed decision on a scaling up of the project approach. The detailed analyses underpinning the recommendations can be presented in annexes to the main report. The final report must be provided along with the corresponding invoice.
To summarise, in addition to any documents, reports and output specified above, the Contractor shall provide the following reports:
Name of report | Content | Time of submission |
Inception Report | Analysis of existing situation and work plan for the project | No later than 2 weeks after the start of implementation |
Mid-term Progress Report | Short description of progress (technical and financial) of the assignment, including problems encountered; planned work for the remaining Contract period accompanied by an invoice. With the progress report, the Consultant will submit the mid-term review report addressing the findings and lessons learned from the mid-term review, highlighting recommended project adjustments and strategies to be adopted during the remaining implementation period. | No later than 2 weeks after the mid-term review. |
Draft Final Report | Description of achievements including problems encountered and recommendations. The report will be accompanied by the final technical report evaluating the impact and design of the project’s climate change component and its integration within the overall project approach, highlighting recommendations for adaptation and scaling up of the approach developed and implemented through the pilot phase. | No later than 1 month before the end of the implementation period. |
Final Report | Short description of achievements including problems encountered and recommendations; final invoice and financial report. | Within 20 working days of receiving comments on the draft final report from the Project Manager identified in the contract. |
6.2. Submission and approval of reports
The reports referred to above must be submitted to the Protection Coordinator identified in the contract. The reports must be written in English. The Protection Coordinator is responsible for approving the reports.
7.1. Definition of indicators
Support the development of specific assessment and MEAL tools tailored to the context and project-specific MEAL framework | Assessment and MEAL tools developed, piloted and validated. Staff trained on assessment tools. |
Development of tailored climate change training curricula for GIZ project | Training materials developed and validated. |
Roll-out of training on climate change and its linkages with protection for GIZ project team and other INTERSOS staff | Project team trained – training report available. |
Development of key messages and materials for climate change awareness raising, based on assessments and consultations | Key messages identified and field tested, tailored to the implementation context and different audiences.
IEC materials developed and field-tested. |
Support field teams in the identification of opportunities for integrating climate change awareness/adaptation in PSS and social cohesion activities | At least 3 different concepts and strategies developed in consultation with the project team, tailored to the needs of target communities and in line with the overall project approach and budget. |
Technical support to midline review and project adjustment | Tools developed for midline review Lessons learned and recommendations from midline review compiled and shared |
Lead design and implementation of a consultative process on the linkages between climate change and protection/MHPSS in the context of Sinjar, building on existing research/findings of other actors | Methodology and tools developed in consultation with INTERSOS team |
Lead preparation of the report based on consultations and dissemination of findings with project participants and key stakeholders | Community consultation report consolidated and shared
Workshop prepared and conducted; workshop report shared |
Technical support to final evaluation and design of scale-up intervention based on lessons learned | Tools developed for final evaluation Lesson learned session with project/Mission team conducted and documented – lessons learned with recommendations compiled and shared |
General technical backstopping to Iraq mission/project team on climate change mainstreaming in protection/education programming | TBD in coordination with the Protection Coordinator and Country Programme Coordinator |
7.2. Special requirements
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