WOAH Negotiated Procedure IS/NP2025/1: Infrastructure and Security Services
As an Organisation, WOAH plays a critical role in collecting, managing and disseminating extensive health-related data, including real-time global animal health information, to support its mandate. To successfully deliver its Strategic plan with a focus on data governance, the DTIS Department is committed in delivering digital transformation to enable WOAH to deliver on its strategic objectives. The digital transformation agenda will ensure the adoption of innovative modern technologies that improve operational efficiency and technology investments that deliver maximum value.
WOAH use the services of service providers to manage and monitor the infrastructure and security of its systems.
The purpose of this negotiation procedure is to identify and select a provider with the relevant competence to ensure WOAH’s infrastructure, security and core platforms including WAHIS are actively maintained, monitored, with new infrastructure requirements created and aligned with WOAH Enterprise Architecture. This includes ensuring WOAH have access to technical support services across infrastructure, security and WOAH’s core platforms.
Tendering documents are available on SafeTender supplier.
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