WOAH Observatory Digital Platform

The purpose of this negotiated procedure is to identify and select a provider with the relevant competence to develop a web-based platform for the management of the following WOAH Observatory programme activities and deliverables.

The Observatory is a continuous and systematic data-drive mechanism designed to analyse the implementation of WOAH’s international standards by using information regularly collected by various activities, as well as external sources.
It provides an overview of the uptake of international standards on animal health and welfare and veterinary public health by WOAH Members. It contributes to the progressive improvement of their implementation and to the constant assessment of our corporate initiatives by providing valuable feedback and recommendations.
The implementation of our standards at the country level can involve challenges, such as the lack of financial, human resources or the relevant infrastructure. In fact, the extent to which they are put into practice remains unclear. Hence, the Observatory’s mission is: To have an insight into the uptake of international standards by our members.

The Observatory’s key deliverables include,
– Monitoring reports and associated executive summaries
– Thematic studies and associated factsheets
– Monitored indicators

Currently the Observatory’s deliverables are published on the WOAH website and the Back-Office work and communications are managed manually through different applications like SharePoint, PowerBI, MS Excel, etc. The objective of this tender is to contract with a service provider to develop a web-based platform to streamline Observatory’s work, automate processes and facilitate management and publication of all existing as well as new deliverables. Please refer to Document B- Terms of Reference, Section 2.1 Project Background, for more details regarding the project’s background.

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