le 10/02/2025
Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) : fostering citizens’ engagement and participation
Promoting citizens’ and representative associations’ participation in and contribution to the democratic and civic life of the Union by making known and publicly exchanging their views in all areas of Union action.
Eligibility criteria:
- Eligible participants: Public or private legal entities.
- Lead applicants: Non-profit private legal entities or public universities.
- Co-applicants: Non-profit legal entities (public or private bodies) or an international organisation.
- Consortium composition: At least two applicants (lead applicant and at least one co-applicant not being an affiliated entity or associated partner) from two different eligible countries.
- Minimum grant amount: EUR 75,000.
Eligible countries:
- EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories).
- Non-EU countries associated to the CERV Programme or countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before
grant signature (list of participating countries)
Project duration:
Between 12 and 24 months.
Application deadline:
April 29, 2025 – 17:00 CET (Brussels time).
Grant amount:
Estimated available call budget: EUR 33,000,000, distributed as follows:
- EUR 12,500,000 for promoting exchanges on future Union policy priorities and challenges.
- EUR 8,000,000 for countering disinformation, information manipulation, and interference in the democratic debate.
- EUR 12,500,000 for promoting citizens’ active engagement and democratic participation.
More information:
Each project application under the call must address only one of the following priorities:
Promoting exchanges on future Union policy priorities and challenges.
- Organising public debates, workshops, or conferences on specific EU policy areas.
- Using online platforms or social media campaigns to engage citizens in discussions on EU policies and priorities.
- Developing educational materials or toolkits to engage and help citizens understand EU policies and their impact on daily life.
- Facilitating exchanges between citizens from different EU countries to share experiences and perspectives on EU policies.
Countering disinformation, information manipulation, and interference in the democratic debate.
- Engaging citizens in developing and disseminating tools, knowledge exchange platforms, and resources to help citizens prebunk, detect, and debunk disinformation and information manipulation.
- Organising media literacy training programs and/or implementing toolkits for citizens, particularly for young people, helping them critically evaluate online information.
- Engaging citizens in public awareness campaigns to highlight the risks of disinformation and information manipulation and encourage the responsible use of AI.
- Organising trainings, exchanges of best practices, engaging relevant actors in reporting and monitoring of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs), and actions supporting independent media outlets and journalists against SLAPPs.
Promoting citizens’ active engagement and democratic participation.
- Developing and facilitating citizen-led initiatives through debates, voicing opinions, and other citizens’ engagement activities.
- Developing, implementing, and disseminating educational programs or materials to teach citizens about their rights and responsibilities as EU citizens, and how to participate in democratic processes.
- Supporting free, fair, and inclusive electoral processes by conducting awareness campaigns, engagement programs, workshops, and conferences.
- Supporting the development of tools and platforms to facilitate citizen engagement and participation in decision-making.
- Facilitating cooperation between citizens and public authorities, including local councillors, to promote participatory democracy.
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