le 22/10/2018


Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) – Robert Key Memorial Fund


In memory of Robert Key MBE (1947-2009), who co-founded with Sir Elton the UK arm of the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

Robert was the first Executive Director of the Foundation. He had a personal mission to provide support to individuals who had no access to treatment or were shunned and shamed because of their links to HIV.

Robert’s compassion guided the Foundation’s work as it grew across the world and made sure that people who are living with HIV are at the centre of what we do.

After his untimely death, a Fund was established in his memory with the following features:

  • It is open to organisations that can demonstrate an immediate, tangible benefit for individuals living with HIV.
  • Applications will be considered for awards of up to £10,000 per year on a rolling basis and may be for single or multi-year programmes.
  • They must operate in one of the Foundation’s programme countries.
  • Please do not send Concept Notes via email – they will not be considered.

Please take a look at some of the funding criteria for a Robert Key Memorial Fund grant.

The Robert Key Memorial Fund is applicable in all 25 countries in which we currently fund and is open all year around.

More informations 


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