EUDiF’s Diaspora 4 Development (D4D) Grants Program
Objective :
EUDiF’s Diaspora 4 Development (D4D) Grants aim to promote sustainable development by supporting diaspora-led initiatives in their countries of origin in the areas of climate, economy, education and health.
D4D Grants provide financial support for diaspora organisations to undertake small-scale projects that generate tangible improvements in the well-being of the target community.
Areas of Intervention
- The project proposed promotes sustainable development in the country of origin in one or more of the following areas:
- Climate: Projects that address climate change by promoting environmentally friendly practices, such as sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and conservation efforts.
- Economy: Initiatives that focus on boosting local economies by creating job opportunities, supporting entrepreneurship, investment, and fostering sustainable business practices.
- Education: Projects that aim to improve educational outcomes, enhance skills development, and provide technical and vocational education and training to enhance expertise.
- Health: Efforts that are directed towards improving healthcare access, quality, and outcomes, addressing public health issues, and promoting wellness and preventative care.
Eligibility Criteria
- The lead applicant is a legally registered entity in an EU member state, Switzerland, or Norway and operating for over 18 months at the moment of the general deadline for application submission.
- Entities may include, but are not limited to, DOs, civil society organisations, community-based organisations, associations and social enterprises. The entity should be not-for-profit and should represent diasporas from countries listed in the NDICI regulation. La liste actuelle des pays comprend les pays partenaires de la DG INTPA et les pays partenaires de la DG NEAR. Les pays bénéficiant de l’instrument d’aide de préadhésion ne sont pas éligibles aux subventions D4D (y compris la Géorgie, la Moldavie et l’Ukraine).
Ineligibility Criteria
- ICMPD excludes from participation applicants which were found in situations of:
- Bankruptcy, insolvency or winding-up procedures.
- Breach of obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions.
- Grave professional misconduct, including misrepresentation.
- Fraud.
- Corruption.
- Conduct related to a criminal organisation.
- Money laundering or terrorist financing.
- Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities.
- Child labour and other trafficking in human beings.
Countries concerned : Diaspora organisations from countries listed in the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) regulation and based in EU member states, Switzerland, or Norway are invited to apply.
Application deadline : 15 january 2025 23:59 CET
Grant amount : The overall amount made available under D4D Grants is €580,000. Applicants can request an amount from €25,000 to €60,000 depending on the scope of the project and the capacity of the applying organisation to manage the grant.
- The planned duration is between 6 months to 18 months.
- The implementation of activities ends before 31 December 2026.
Additional information : Online info session: On 29 November at 10:00 CET, with simultaneous interpretation to French. Register here.
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