le 11/03/2025


No One Left Behind Fund – ILGA-Europe

Objective: This fund aims to strengthen organizations led by racialized LGBTI activists and deepen solidarity with racialized LGBTI communities. The program provides both financial resources and structured partner meetings to support intersectional activism across Europe.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Organizations must be led by racialized LGBTI people.
  • Organizations must work for and with racialized LGBTI communities.
  • Both registered and non-registered organizations can apply (non-registered organizations must partner with a legally registered entity).
  • Applicants must be ILGA-Europe member organizations by June 1, 2025, or have an application for membership under review by March 30, 2025.

Application Deadline:

  • March 30, 2025, 23:59 CEST

Countries Covered:

  • European-based organizations are eligible.
  • Up to 11 grants will be awarded to EU-based organizations and up to 2 grants to non-EU-based organizations.

Project Duration:

  • Projects must run for 12 months, from June 1, 2025, to June 1, 2026.

Grant Amount:

  • Between €20,000 and €25,000 per project.
  • Up to 13 organizations will be supported.

Additional Information:

  • The fund covers personnel costs, travel, event expenses, consultancy fees, interpretation, communication campaigns, and administrative costs directly linked to the project.
  • Organizational capacity-building activities, such as internal training and skill development, are eligible.
  • Participants must commit to online partner meetings (July 2025, February 2026, June 2026) and four progress calls with ILGA-Europe (June & September 2025, January & April 2026).
  • Interim financial report due November 4, 2025; final report due mid-June 2026.

Contact: For inquiries, contact Nadzeya Husakouskaya at nadzeya@ilga-europe.org.

Application Link: Apply Here

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