le 12/10/2021

Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa – Supporting Democracy

OSIEA (Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa) plays an active role in encouraging open, informed dialogue on issues of importance in Eastern Africa.

Through a combination of grant making, advocacy and convening power, OSIEA is able to support and amplify the voices of pro-democracy organizations and individuals in the region and to strengthen their capacity to hold their governments accountable.

This includes efforts to defend and support rights activists and pro-democracy advocates who come under attack for their work.

OSIEA occupies a unique niche as a donor organization in Eastern Africa. OSIEA is both a donor and implementor working locally and internationally, which gives it an enormous flexibility in terms of reach and impact.

OSIEA joins processes that are consultative and participatory. The ability to be flexible in funding criteria allows to respond quickly to changing situations.

OSIEA support initiatives with a demonstrated capacity to positively transform society in innovative ways that embrace inclusiveness and diversity.

Eligibility Criteria :

OSIEA supports projects in the following programmatic areas:

  • Democratic governance and rule of law
  • Economic governance
  • Health and rights
  • Equality and non-discrimination

Ineligibility Criteria :

The Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa does not fund travel to attend conferences, seminars or workshops.

We also do not provide scholarships for individual studies.


Further information

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