The Jerusalem Fund – Humanitarian assistance to Palestinians
The Jerusalem Fund extends grants to non-governmental organizations providing humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem, and to Palestinian refugees in Syria and Lebanon.
The Jerusalem Fund supports projects focusing on emergency relief, education, health, infrastructure and other community development efforts. The Fund also supports projects that help Palestinians highlight their history and struggle to Western audiences.
The Fund accomplishes these goals through three programs :
Focus Areas :
- The Jerusalem Fund supports projects focusing on:
- Emergency relief,
- Education,
- Health,
- Infrastructure, and
- Other community development efforts.
- The Fund also supports projects that help Palestinians highlight their history and struggle to Western audiences.
In addition :
- The Jerusalem Fund prioritizes funding for projects that prove immediate impact and long-term viability . Projects that “continue to give” long after financial assistance from the Jerusalem Fund is dispersed have higher chances of being approved during a grant cycle.
- The Jerusalem Fund does not approve grants to cover salaries, honorariums, transportation or any other administrative costs.
- After a grant is approved, the Jerusalem Fund reserves the right to request photos, receipts or proof of intended purchase before the transferring of funds.
- Before and after pictures are required for all projects approved by the Jerusalem Fund.
- Specific project location information is a requirement for all grant applications. GPS coordinates will also be accepted.
- All questionnaire and picture requirements must be met for all grantees.
- NGOs with a solid online and social media (in the English and Arabic language) presence are looked highly upon and information on such should be included in all grant request applications.
Deadlines for receiving grant applications are:
January 15 for consideration at the Spring board meeting.
April 15 for consideration at the Summer board meeting.
July 15 for consideration at the Fall board meeting.
October 15 for consideration at the Winter board meeting.
Funding : Typical grant awards range from $1,000 to $5,000.
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Portes ouvertes Bioforce Europe, 15 mars 2025 à Vénissieux