le 18/07/2019


USAID announces Funding Rounds under New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) – Global Health

The United States Agency for International Development has announced the New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) Global Health Annual Program Statement (APS) (known hereafter as NPI GH APS).

Through this APS, USAID announces its desire to engage locally-based new and underutilized partners to expand and amplify the Agency’s work in the health sector. The overall Agency NPI seeks to support partner countries’ progress on the Journey to Self-Reliance, achieve sustainable and resilient results, and catalyze more effective partnering for impact.

Round 1: Community Health Networks (CHN)

In Round 1 of the New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) Global Health (GH) Annual Program Statement (APS), USAID is requesting the submission of concept papers focused on promoting new and underutilized partnerships to address health priorities to prevent child and maternal deaths, control the HIV/AIDS epidemic and combat infectious diseases globally.

The focus of the award(s) will be to decrease maternal and child morbidity and mortality via a variety of interventions that could cross health sectors (hence the mention of the two other health priorities above – HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases).

Expected Results

The overall goal for the Round 1 is to reduce child and maternal morbidity and mortality through the utilization of community-based high quality, high impact health services, while expanding the number of new and underutilized partners implementing such activities.

  • Result 1: Use of high quality community health services expanded through new and underutilized locally established partners
    • 1.1 Availability of high-quality, high-impact community health interventions increased and expanded
    • 1.2 Community health approaches increasingly integrated and consistent with international best practices and standards
  • Result 2: Practice of health-seeking behaviors improved and scaled-up
    • 2.1 Demand for high-quality health products and services increased at the community level
    • 2.2 Social support for health-seeking behaviors increased at the community level

Round 2: Expanding Health Partnerships (EHP)

In Round 2 entitled Expanding Health Partnerships (EHP) of the New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) Global Health (GH) Annual Program Statement (APS), USAID is requesting the submission of concept papers focused on promoting new and underutilized partnerships to address health priorities to prevent child and maternal deaths, control the HIV/AIDS epidemic and combat infectious diseases globally.

This Round 2: EHP is intended to diversify and broaden USAID’s partner base, as described in the NPI GH APS. Round 2: EHP will be utilizing modality three (3) of the NPI GH APS whereby prime award recipient(s) will issue sub-awards to advance health programs at the country level through the engagement of local new and underutilized partners (NUPs) (including locally established partners), with between 50-75 percent of total funds obligated to the prime recipient used for such sub-awards.

Round 2: EHP Expected Results

  • Result 1: Organizational sustainability of new and underutilized local entities or locally established partners strengthened
    • 1.1: Increased number of new and underutilized local and locally established subawardees with improved financial, managerial and/or structural capacity, and are prepared to meet USAID reporting and compliance requirements
    • 1.2 Increased number of new and underutilized local and locally established subawardees connected nationally and internationally through formal and informal networks
  • Result 2: Utilization of high-quality, high-impact health services, information and supplies expanded
    • 2.1 Increased number of new and underutilized local partners (including LEPs) working with USAID to expand targeted interventions for improved health services
    • 2.2 Utilization of high-quality high-impact health interventions at sub-national and/or national levels increased and expanded
  • Result 3: Promising and innovative health approaches scaled-up through new and underutilized partnerships for increased sustainability
    • 3.1 Systems in place to identify, assess and measure the impact of innovative health approaches
    • 3.2 Innovative health approaches scaled-up sub-nationally, nationally, or internationally through new and underutilized local partners, including LEPs

Funding informations :

Round 1

  • Subject to the availability of funds, USAID anticipates making up to three (3) awards, which will not exceed a cumulative ceiling of $75,000,000.00 over the course of the next five (5) years.
  • Period of Performance for Round 1, the anticipated start date for the award(s) is on or about September 30, 2019.

Round 2

  • Subject to the availability of funds, USAID anticipates making up to three (3) awards, which will not exceed a cumulative ceiling of $100,000,000.00 over the course of the next five (5) years.
  • Period of Performance for Round 2: EHP, the anticipated start date for the award(s) is on or about September 30, 2019.

More informations

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