le 02/03/2021


USAID – Frontier Health Markets

The U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Office of Population and Reproductive Health (PRH) is pleased to announce the Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Annual Program Statement (APS) which aims to help achieve global U.S. Government (USG) health priorities and commitments, specifically related to preventing child and maternal deaths, controlling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and combating infectious diseases.

FHM will improve the functioning of local health markets and will support the effective engagement and systemic inclusion of the private sector to advance voluntary family planning, maternal, newborn and child health, malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS outcomes.

FHM will leverage existing evidence and best practices, as well as catalyze new ideas, forge partnerships, and innovative approaches to foster the introduction, scale up, and sustainability of quality healthcare delivery in the private sector to achieveour ambitious global health targets and help enhance countries’ ability to fortify and diversify healthcare delivery.

Results Framework Goal :

Contribute to the Agency’s priorities of preventing maternal and child deaths, controlling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, combating infectious disease, and strengtheningcountries’ healthcare markets.

Purpose :

Increase private health sector contributions to advance voluntary family planning (FP), maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH), malaria, tuberculosis (TB), other infectious diseases, and/or HIV/AIDS) outcomes.

Expected Results :

  • Result 1: Improved market environment for greater private sector participation in the delivery of health products and services.This will be achieved through the following intermediate results :

IR 1.1: Strengthened and supported effective public sector stewardship of and engagement with, the privatesector

IR 1.2: Mobilized and leveraged financial and non-financial resources and incentives to improve private sector capacity, responsiveness, and financial sustainability

IR 1.3: Improved institutional norms, rules and regulations, and organization of the private sector to support market growth

IR 1.4: Increased effective collection, integration and utilization of private sector data and market intelligence for informed public and private-sector decision-making

  • Result 2: Improved equal access to, and uptake of, high-quality consumer-driven health products, services, and information.This will be achieved through three intermediate results:

IR 2.1: Improved quality of care and client-centered focus of healthcare services in the private sector

IR 2.2: Enhanced, sustainable supply of quality, affordable health products and services inthe private sector

IR 2.3: Increased client-driven demand for priority health products and services in the private sector


Frontier Health Market award(s) will provide global leadership and will implement activities in countries where USAID currently supports health and other complementary private sector engagement activities, primarily in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, with a limited number of countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region.


Closing Date : February 24, 2028

Further information

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