Humanitarian Programme Manager (3 mois, parcours expérimenté, en anglais, rentrée sept.) – Lyon
Dates: September 16 to December 17, 2024
Location: Lyon
Objectives: this training programme aims at training NGO’s managers within the humanitarian and development sector (NGO, associations, foundations, etc.).
It is currently difficult for many humanitarian and development organisations to recruit and retain skilled programme managers. These difficulties directly impact the efficiency of their programmes. Over recent years there has been increased attention given by humanitarian and development agencies to the quality of humanitarian and development practice and raised awareness of the importance of ensuring programme quality in the sector. Bioforce has been actively involved in these developments through extensive consultations on the challenges faced by NGOs. Developing their ability to hire, develop and retain competent managers has been recognised as a top priority. Both humanitarian and development organisations as well as individuals expressed the need for training programmes that enable potential and current managers to develop their technical, analytical and personal skills.
At a glance:
- a 3-month training built around the 4 humanitarian programme manager’s core competencies: The fundamentals of humanitarian action ; Managing Programmes and Projects ; Managing People and Organisations ; Managing Finance and Funding
- 6 months workbased learning in the field with an NGO, as employees or paid volunteers.
- a level I qualification (equivalent to a five-year higher education diploma) “Coordinateur de programme humanitaire” from Bioforce, registered by the French National Record of Professional Qualifications.
Information and application: Humanitarian Programme Manager
This training programme also exists in French
Bioforce is a unique training and career advisory centre that aims to develop the key skills of those involved in humanitarian and aid programmes. We have been working with major NGOs for 40 years, the humanitarian community is involved in creating our training programmes and keeping them cutting-edge. Every year, more than 2500 people get trained or awarded certification with Bioforce.
Le calendrier des formations de Coordination SUD
Les formations de Coordination SUD
Nos formations s'adressent aux salarié.e.s et bénévoles des organisations de solidarité internationale de droit français. Nos formations ont pour objectif le renforcement et l'appui organisationnel et institutionnel des OSI de droit français, et ne sont pas accessibles à titre individuel.
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