Date de la formation

Du 26/09/2024 au 24/10/2024

Managing humanitarian projects – online

September 26-October 24 2024, online

Dates: September 26-October 24 2024

Location: online

Whether you have experience or not, this course will allow you to put into practice a methodological approach that is now essential for designing aid projects. You will also discover all the current and essential tools for effective project cycle management on humanitarian fields.

Benefits of online courses
At your own pace, all of Bioforce’s learning expertise accessible through our online learning plateform! Group work, learning progression tests, animated self-learning activities will punctuate your experience. Playful and interactive resources (quizzes, games…) will help you to test your knowledge. And you can always count on the individualised support of the training team (only 5% of dropouts, that is 10 times less than in a classic MOOC!).

This training course is for you, if:

  • You are currently working with a national or international aid organisation and you wish to enhance your knowledge on project management methodology
  • You are an aspiring aid worker aiming at strengthening your understanding of project management methodologies and tools
  • You are currently working in logistics, finance, human resources… and you want to develop a career in humanitarian project management

Necessary material
Attending this course requires a reliable and high quality internet connection. It requires also a computer equipped with standard Microsoft Office tools (example: pack Office) and with the necessary material to carry out audio and video exchanges.

By attending this open training course, you will master the methodological approaches and tools that will enable you to design, manage and evaluate a humanitarian project. And more specifically, you will know how to:

  • Identify appropriate needs assessment methodologies and data collection tools, according to the context and the evaluation’s terms of reference
  • Describe the main considerations for designing multi-sectoral programmes and projects (water, protection, nutrition, etc.)
  • Design and use the Logical Framework based on the Logical Framework Analysis
  • Design a monitoring and evaluation framework for the project, selecting the appropriate tools and indicators
  • Choose relevant criteria in order to develop objectives for an ex-post evaluation (end of project evaluation)

Cost: 850€. This rate corresponds to the training fees.
More information about funding opportunities:

Further information & application :

Bioforce is a unique training and career advisory centre that aims to develop the key skills of those involved in humanitarian and aid programmes. We have been working with major NGOs for more than 38 years, the humanitarian community is involved in creating our training programmes and keeping them cutting-edge. Every year, more than 2500 people get trained or awarded certification with Bioforce.

Le calendrier des formations de Coordination SUD

Les formations de Coordination SUD

Nos formations s'adressent aux salarié.e.s et bénévoles des organisations de solidarité internationale de droit français. Nos formations ont pour objectif le renforcement et l'appui organisationnel et institutionnel des OSI de droit français, et ne sont pas accessibles à titre individuel.

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Coordination SUD est agréée organisme de formation et référencée Qualiopi. Retrouvez notre certificat en cliquant ici.


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